Eurydice pt.II

Well that was pretty sad. Sure they are all together. But here they are in the Underworld, dead and completely unaware of each other. Well played. Still it was a pretty good story, I guess I forgot that this was a tragedy. I blame it all on Eurydice, she didn’t want to go back, she wanted to be with her dad, what was more like her anyways. Even so, it still sucks. At least they all got to be together at the end…right?

On another note, I love how creepy the kid is, how he comes in on a tricycle, awesome.

This is what that kid on a tricycle reminded me of.

The kid was also the nasty interesting man as well. There was a scene where he wanted to kiss her eyelids, what a great moment of foreshadowing! I loved it. Over all the play was fun to read and I can’t wait to read more of her works!

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