A Dream Play

This is the best work that I have read in this class all term. I seriously love how Agnes gets to sample life. It is as though we get to explore and see from a different perspective that very lives that we live. To me our lives seem pretty much an ordinary thing, even when there is some level of excitement it is not as though the world has never seen these actions before. Yet it all gets repeated. None the less Agnes and he innocent child like look at our lives is pleasurable watch. Though I took this story as not of the God Agnes coming to the real world, but rather of an aspect of the consciousness exploring ideas in the safety of the dream state, or the world. I viewed Agnes coming down from the tower as descending from being awake to being fully asleep.  I especially loved that chrysanthemum , and the meaning that could be implied by it.

This burning rendition so beautiful.

Dreaming of chrysanthemums indicates an unfolding of the inner self, during a tumultuous time of life.  More specifically, it may represent a time of deep personal growth forged by hardship or conflict.  The result leading to a stronger, more realized self.(Written by avenefica on April 28th, 2009)

The flower says so much about the play, almost like a commentary on what is to come. This unfolding of an inner-self is what Anges is embarking on for both herself and for the consciousness that she serves. Then she was trying to understand the hows and the whys behind human nature and our suffering as this flower stand for growth; a growth that occurs in her. Then this result leading to a better more realized self supports my claim that this play is about an aspect of the unconscious exploring new ideas. For Agnes to explore ideas in these random and unconnected  way, the way that dreams naturally are. This mirrors my dreams, and what my imagination naturally does, even without my knowledge. Agnes also represents for me what I wish my unconsciousness would do for me more often, as it gets old when I learn the hard way in life.

Seriously though, what’s up with the boobs? Who is that supposed to be?

What power there is in dreams, to explore the world or ones self, absolutely incredible and beautiful and most of all:safe. To write a play like this was just amazing. yes it was confusing, yes it was odd and uncanny, but that is the dream world.

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