Sarah Kane-Yeah She Went There…

Cover of the Methuen edition

I have to level here, I really like her adaptation of Phaedra-Phaedra’s Love. It is crass and crazy and full of sex! It seems like the complete opposite of Seneca’s version, which had absolutely no sex. In Kane’s, everyone is screwing everyone, and Hippolytus is still a lofty asshole. There is a scene where Hippolytus is playing video games and Phaedra walks in and goes down on him. Does he respond, not really, he just says that she had better have herself checked for a STD. Absolutely nuts!

“Hate me now?”

My favorite part is not the story, but the way that Sarah Kane shocks us. I enjoy this shock. In a way I think it is more real, more life like. There are no rhymes, just brutal life filled with all the assholes that we find in our lives. Of course we don’t have some one’s penis getting cut off, or a father having sex with his daughter in front of a crowd. Or even a priest going down on him. But over all it is not only modern, but has the back and forth feel of actual dialogue among real people.

I also just love his (or Kane’s) commentary on life, what is life? Just filling up time? God, I feel like I do this sometime, it’s scary honestly. Her character has no fear and can say with no fear that our lives may have no meaning what so ever. Go him and go her, of course with thoughts like that one may be lead to kill themselves.

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