
I am not really a fan of Seneca’s Phaedra, it pretty annoying. Here is this chick who is married, but she wants to have sex with his son. First off that is just nasty, seriously nasty.

What she wished would happen…

The son is like: I don’t life vagina.

So there is no chance of anything at all happening here, the son doesn’t even like ladies, and Phaedra is too horny for her own good. But she still tries to get with him. When he shuts her down she kills herself,(I would too if I were that fucked up in the head) and leaves a note that says her son, Hippolytus tried to rape her. Like that would even happen, I am sure that he thinks that vagina have teeth that would not only eat his penis, but also his soul. Of course the dad comes home and flips out when he finds his dead wife, and then goes bat shit when he reads the note. He sends Hippolutus into banishment, praying for Poseidon to kill his son. The gods is like I have the perfect plan, he sends a giant bull to kill Hippolytus. This bull hits this dude so hard he explodes, I mean for real, body part everywhere, arms in a tree, guts on some grass, he is even impaled in his junk….ya Seneca went there…messed up.

Still needs more body parts-needs to to look more like he ingested semtex.

Then the his father learns that he screwed up, and he tries to reassemble his not blown apart son. Of course he can not do this, he is not Frankenstien. Now he wrought with distress for he no longer has his wife or his son. So sad really. While I don’t mind a bit of gore, I can’t help but to feel that pain of loosing it all. In this case I just can’t see Pheadrea as the tragic person, it is the father, he was lied to by his wife, and as a result he murdered his son. Of course he was not without sin, his mom is Medea, and he did have sex with an amazonian, so I suppose there is no tragic person. It just depends on wheather you take side with someone. At this point I think they are all crazy. I also think that is a messed up way to go. At what point could this whole thing have changed pace? A level head? Of course what would be the fun in that? We need a larger than life person to meet some end to have a tragic ending. What better an ending then a father seeing his dead wife and accidentally killing his son, then a curtain close with him and his lonely grief.

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