Medea is Pretty Awesome

I really like this character Medea. She puts up with no ones shit, she loves deeply, and she hates just as deep. Imagine if Jason would have just stuck by her side and found a new place away from the world as they knew it, what if he threw off his ideals of being royalty, he might have found happiness. Instead, he cheats on her and incurs not only  woman’s wrath but also the wrath of a witch. Regardless of what version you read Medea is a powerful woman, with a passionate heart. I know she killed her children, but I don’t fault her for it, I am not saying it was wrong, i am just saying it is hard to be rational when some one has shit on all that you are and all that you have created, especially if you gave up a good royal life, killed some people and essentially stood by your loved one-only to have them cheat on you. To revenge makes sense to me, there is a saying that I like that I believe applies to the reason why she killed her sons instead of Jason himself: “Death is a release, not a punishment” (Anon). If she would have killed him, she would not have had her revenge in the same powerful and satisfying sense that she actually find when she ends his bloodline and kills his new wife. I really do think she is a badass. Would I have the courage or imagination to think of that, nope, I sure wouldn’t. I would just leave or kill the bitch. So my life would be boring in a play. It’s sensational to kill a few kids, it really makes a statement that I am sure few others things could. I prefer Seneca’s method of showing us the deaths of these kids, rubbing our faces in it, making us feel all the more. I would rather feel a full effect then a half-assed or fearful measure of it.


Don’t be lazy or fearful of the sight of blood, it’s all natural really, so why hide it. Medea did not hide her actions, she would not have even tried, she believed strongly in her methods, and more so the results. The crumpled man who Jason became was perfect for Medea to see, it gave her some measure of closure. I am not saying that I condone killing kids, but in this fiction, its great, sensational even, it leaves me proud of Medea, and glad that she got what she needed.

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